Get a bowl full of clean snow. Add milk (or cream or half-n-half) until it’s wet enough, sugar until it’s sweet enough, and vanilla. I always have the economy-sized imitation vanilla for wintertime. We don’t do exact measurements–it’s a lot of dumping and stirring, really.  So it’s a good kid activity. Usually by the time you’ve got it perfect it’s more like snow ice cream soup, but my kids and I love it. J will say in July, “I can’t wait until we can make snow ice cream again.”
Stacey Derbinshire
I finally decided to write a comment on your blog. I just wanted to say good job. I really enjoy reading your posts.
Thanks, Stacey! You’ve totally made my day. I’m serious. Especially since I know that you aren’t a friend or family member that I’ve begged to comment so that it will look as if people like my blog. Not that I’ve done that. . . . That would be pathetic, right?
Marie Conti
This is wonderful!! Thank you so much for all of your hard work!
Does this mean that you made some? Cute W thinks I’m crazy, but I love-love-love this stuff.
Michelle Ross
Great Idea!! Really looking forward to trying it with the next big snow fall 😉 Ty for sharing.