Happy Anniversary To Me!

Can you believe that I’ve been blogging a whole entire month? I was thinking that it had been a while, so I went and checked my very first post and it was from December 14th!  It’s funny, because when I did it, I thought that I was going to share with a few friends who had been quite particularly bugging me about actually starting it.  Then, within a couple of days it just seemed like a bummer not to share all of the stuff that I was finding.  And now I have to restrain myself from accosting strangers for fear that they’ll think I’m some crazy freak.  And from bringing the blog up every second sentence with my friends for fear that they’ll think I’m some dreary bore.

Anyway, no. . . you don’t need to get me anything.  Of course not.  Well, okay, but only because you so want to celebrate this special day with me. . . maybe you could suggest some cool place or activity that I haven’t heard of?  Or send my link to some Capital District Families you know? Also, I like chocolate and those overpriced freeze-dried cherries.  mmmmmm, yumalicious.


  1. HollowSquirrel

    I don’t think you’re a bore and constantly recommend this site to local friends. It’s fabulous and funny, just like you.

    Happy Blogiversary, my dear!

  2. Trust the fellow blogger to comment & comment! Thank you. I wonder if the Quest lady knows about this? Maybe she should put that link on her blog?

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